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Jubilee Exhibition

26 October–28 December

A grand Jubilee Exhibition with art treasures from the Museum’s archive

Höganäs Museum opened its doors for the first time on 29 November 1925. Over a period of a hundred years, the cultural heritage of Höganäs has been collected, curated and exhibited in order to give future citizens of Höganäs an insight into their origins and those of their home town.

In the Jubilee Exhibition we take a step into the magical world of the Museum’s collections. We can experience a flavour of the town’s unique cultural heritage with stories from the Museum’s hidden corners, and meet people and perspectives from the past. There will be a broad spectrum of objects to amaze, entertain and scare you, as well as to make you think. You can also give some thought to why the collections exist and why it’s important to look after one’s own cultural heritage. Maybe you can also think about what from the present could perhaps be displayed in a jubilee exhibition in a hundred years’ time?

About the Museum

Coal and clay are the foundations of Höganäs’s modern history. In the 18th century this was a place for farmers and fishermen, not potters. This changed with industrialism and with coal and clay mining Höganäs became the heart of Swedish pottery. Nowhere in Sweden does the passion for pottery run deeper than here.

The local potteries, household goods, fine pottery and craftsmen have influenced generations. Pottery put food on the table and Höganäs on the global map. There were Höganäs items in every home and relatives who have worked with clay.
The Höganäs Feeling, a pride and love for the craft, is always present.

Höganäs museum opened in 1925 on the initiative of Albin Hamberg, potter and teacher. The local potters have been engaged in the museum ever since.