HDK - Klara Lord

HDK-Valand degree exhibition

Graduating students from the ceramics department at HDK-Valand Gothenburg

A warm welcome to a viewing of this year’s degree exhibitions for the two following programmes at the artistic faculty at the University of Gothenburg – degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts in Craft with Specialization in Ceramic Art and degree of Master of Fine Arts in Craft with Specialization in Ceramic Art.

The exhibition consists of various expressions blending contemporary ceramic art and craft. The comments our work make are diverse/speak on diverse subjects, using a range of materials with the clay and ceramics in focus.

The students were questioned where the line that separates art and craft is and if it exists, and if it is important. It feels like everyone’s answers are different, and this show will not offer any conclusion.

What is on show encompasses a range of materials: fired and raw clay, glazes in different forms, metal, container glass, paint, found construction material, tiles, paper, acrylic paint and porcelain. We transform these materials, put them in new contexts, think about what they mean, what weight they carry. Thematically, our work is very diverse – from exploration of familial relationships to environmental manifestos – but we have the material curiosity in common.

Eleven artists from different backgrounds, with different life stories and different paths led to one event – graduating from the ceramics department at HDK-Valand in Gothenburg.

Bachelor Degree

Åsa Bladhe
Jennifer Bjarnelöf
Diego Decont Jimenez
Karin Lengstrand
Miriam Stråhlman

Master Degree

Carina Cresta
Irys Kluska
Klara Lord
Lena Milićević
Katla Rúnarsdóttir
Maria Widegren

You find more information about the examination works here.