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Autumn Salon 2025

23 August–12 October

Juried exhibition featuring all art materials

For the third consecutive year there will be an art exhibition at KKAM. The two previous salons have been well frequented and extremely popular, and an annual salon is now firmly established as part of KKAM’s exhibition programme.

As the Museum is celebrating its centenary in 2025, November is being dedicated to a grand Jubilee Exhibition with artistic treasures from the Museum’s archives. We have therefore brought the date of the salon forward.

Autumn Salon instead of November Salon

The Autumn Salon opens at the end of August. If you wish to take part and intend to apply, you should get yourself prepared and ready during the summer. Artists active in Skåne are welcome to apply and all materials and techniques are of interest for the jury, headed by Castenfors.

All information regarding the application process will be published here on the website nearer the time.